I’ve been thinking a lot about priorities and responsibilities lately. I started 2021 with a pretty clear agenda. First, spend more quality time with my wife and kids. Next, finish my second novel and publish it by the end of December.
Well, if you’re playing along at home you or you’re more than a casual observer of my probably have noticed that I haven’t published “The Fall of Faith” yet. In fact, I haven’t even finished the first draft. But I’m okay with that. Why? Well, for the most part it’s because I did very well on my first priority. The year 2021 was a great one for my family, well, until November anyway. More on that in a moment.
You may know that my wife and I are blessed with seven children. Four of them are still living at home. So we have a full house. And then some. In 2021, we took our kids on some epic camping adventures in our travel trailer, most of which included my parents joining us in theirs. We visited two national parks and a ton of state parks. We escaped Missouri’s February flurries by camping on the beach in Florida. We traveled thousands of miles and enjoyed hundreds of campfires. All while I was able to work or take vacation.
Everything was great. Then our daughter got COVID-19, which spread to her boyfriend. They had been vaccinated, but it still was a scary time. Especially because they’re currently living what my parents. Luckily it didn’t spread to them. And both my daughter and her boyfriend have made a complete recovery.
But that was just the beginning. On top of that my wife got sick. Thinking back on it, there were signs of trouble early in the year. As a writer, I can appreciate the foreshadowing. As a husband, I don’t give a damn about it. Doctors visits turned up nothing. Test after test seemed normal. For awhile, she thought she was going crazy. She knew something was wrong but nobody seemed to believe her.
Then things got so bad I took her to the ER. Have you been to an ER during the COVID era? I’d read the articles about out overwhelmed hospital system but nothing prepares you for the realities of sitting in an ER for four hours when you’re worried your wife might die. And once we got past the waiting room, well there were beds lining the halls because they had run out of rooms. She was admitted to the hospital, but that didn’t mean anything. They had no room to move her to. More tests. Still no answers. And we went home.
That was the first of three ER visits. One by ambulance. Oh, and somewhere in between one of our 11-year-olds had surgery. He came through it with flying colors thankfully. And weeks later, we finally had a diagnosis for my wife. We’ve started treatment, but it’s a long haul and a lifelong issue that is sure to change our lives. But what it won’t change are our priorities. Our health comes first and our time with each other and our family comes next. We’ve already planned two epic camping adventures for this year. Another winter Florida escape and summer journey to Yellowstone.
And, yes, I have recently gotten back to my draft. I can promise you my next book will be published this year. I just can’t tell you when. Not yet anyway. There is too much to do and too many moments to enjoy with my wife to worry about that. Thanks for your patience and for your continued appreciation of my first novel, “A Killer Secret.” I am truly blown away at the reviews it has received and hope to raise the bar with “The Fall of Faith.”