My favorite part of being a thriller author is that it gives me license to explore the darkest corners of the human psyche. It’s in these chilling narratives that I’ve glimpsed the potential for our own downfall. While there are many facets to what drives mankind toward self-destruction, one recurring theme that emerges time and again is the male of our species insatiable need for conquest.
The Allure of Power
Throughout history, man’s lust for power and control has been the catalyst for countless conflicts. Whether it’s the rise and fall of empires, territorial disputes, or the ambition of leaders, the pursuit of dominion has often led mankind down a treacherous path. My thriller novels thrive on this theme, exploring the darkness that dwells within the human heart when power becomes an obsession.
In literature, the allure of power is often depicted as a corrupting force. Characters who seek to conquer find themselves descending into moral ambiguity, making choices that can have catastrophic consequences. It’s a reflection of the real-world consequences of unchecked ambition, as individuals and nations alike grapple with the consequences of their actions.
The Conquest of Others
One of the most chilling aspects of conquest is the way it often involves the subjugation of others, particularly of women by men. One of my characters reflects on man’s “insatiable need to conquer villages and vaginas.” Crass, sure, but no less true. This relentless pursuit of one’s desires, even at the expense of others’ well-being, creates a tension that propels the narrative forward in fiction. While in the real world, it causes much more consequential issues.
In the real world, conquest has led to colonization, war, and the displacement of entire populations. It’s led to racism, sexism and the need for men (particularly white Christian men) to do everything in their power to remain at the top of society.
The thirst for more land, resources, or influence has left scars on the pages of history that threaten to widen and crumble the ground below us even now. As a thriller writer, I tap into this dark undercurrent of human nature, weaving tales that reveal the consequences of our desire to conquer at any cost.
The Downward Spiral
Thriller novels often explore the downward spiral that accompanies the pursuit of conquest. Characters who become consumed by their ambitions can find themselves trapped in a web of deceit, betrayal, and violence. It’s a cautionary tale about the dangers of losing one’s humanity in the quest for power.
In the real world, this downward spiral manifests in various forms, from political corruption to unchecked greed. When the need to conquer overrides ethical boundaries, the consequences can be devastating. Thriller writers like myself shine a spotlight on this phenomenon, urging readers to consider the impact of unchecked ambition on both individuals and society as a whole.
The Hope of Redemption
While the theme of man’s downfall due to the need to conquer is a dark and ominous one, it’s worth noting that many thriller novels also explore the possibility of redemption. Characters who have strayed into the abyss of conquest may find a glimmer of hope for redemption, a chance to break free from their destructive path.
In the real world, the possibility of redemption reminds us that there is always room for change. Society can evolve, and individuals can choose a different path. Thriller novels offer a mirror to our own potential for both destruction and redemption, challenging us to confront the darker aspects of human nature while holding onto the hope of transformation.
So as you turn the pages of my thrilling tales or others, I hope you’re not just entertained but also enlightened. Ponder the question of whether man is indeed the downfall of mankind, driven by an unquenchable thirst for conquest. And may you find inspiration to navigate our own lives with wisdom, empathy, and a commitment to a more just and harmonious world.