I’m not a web wizard. Sure, I know my way around the internet and have led countless website builds and redesigns. But only in the capacity of creative director. Not the designer. Certainly never the coder.
Until now. In the last month, I have labored over this little website you’re now enjoying with the same intensity as I did the initial draft of my novel. Which is to say a lot. Every little change seemed to mess something else up. I couldn’t get the colors to match. My images were too lo-res or too large or, and this one confounds me, both.
Finally it’s ready. It’s live! And I even managed to figure out how to add a subscribe form (assuming it works). There’s not much to it right now, but please have a look around. Make yourself at home. I’ll be adding to it as I can.
In the meantime, I’m going back to finalizing my novel. Otherwise, there is no reason for this site to exist. Which, given the hours ams headaches I’ve endured to bring it to life, would be a crying shame.